18 Jun 2014


If someone has done a pleasing job or something must be congratulated for whatever he has done. Am taking this opportunity to congratulate our former president that our excellence Emilio mwai kibaki for lunching vision 2030 which is a theme of change to kenyan’s and to give a prove that he started free primary and secondary education to all pupils in Kenya,also the previous years he completed constructing thika super highway which created a lot of jobs to young youths, the other one is giving a radical change  to slum by constructing new housing  to slum people which has also generated job to those youth’s who are idle and jobless. After general election we got a new president that is our excellence uhuru Kenyatta who also  continued with the project and by now the house’s  are being builded  and I think kibera people soon will start enjoying the house’s.this is also a way to clean kibera when the house’s are over their shall be water drainage,garbage collection which will be no dumping garbages all over which is also way of preserving environment,the people will say no to flying toilet because their will be good and well maintained latrines.on the behalf of all kibera people and also as resident of kibera I felt the government have done something which must be appreciated and am praying to our excellence uhuru Kenyatta to continue with the project in partnership with other member of the parliament to make change to Kenya to get a better Kenya by vision2030.

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