25 Apr 2014


kibera fire internet photo
the worse thing in kibera is when the fire broke out and house's got fire,now this is the place where you will find all activities and drama is going why?because there those people who are running up and down fetching water to putout the fire
internet photo

,while there others who are watching as if they are watchmen doing nothing instead of there eyes are doing something,some are screaming fire!fire! and they can't help help those are drinkers others are saving there properties and at the same time there are others who are stealing
internet photo

.when i say it is worse it is because alot of properties got burned down,some killed by the fire this becomes complicated to those there properties were burned to ashies because many in kibera are jobless and no family to run to even some fo what has happen develop mental illness and eventually die fire is the worst enemy to kibera.

22 Apr 2014


people of kibera do you remember the old days before digital television came,the day's we used to have only one television that is GREAT WALL
which was in black and white in color which made people to unit and came together to watch some programs this was led by inadequate of television which you could find one GREAT WALL in one house in a entire SLUM or plot so neighbor's had to come and enjoy television to there neighbor's who had television  the programs that made this people to come together were the bold and beutiful,
the passion,the promise,wrestling and above all word cup the day's of ronaldo.
in those day's we almost had nyumba kumi initiative
but now the digital television have ruine everything people now don't gather together to watch some programs like it was in old day's,i think this digitalization had led to insecurity because in our country kenya we are forced to have nyumba kumi initiative which we had in old day's which we knew our neighbour's well but now no more but now i think word cup
is around the corner people we again come together and watch the great game because football is the only thing which will gather us together again as before so all fans keep it up.

17 Apr 2014


if you have ever come in kibera or visited i think you saw wires on top of roofs of houses and wondered what were wires doing on top of houses hence they are not for hanging clothes or telephone wires,if you thought so no.they are electric wires which link power from one house to another.
the wires are real never wonder when you  see the wires on top of houses roof in kibera.

14 Apr 2014


internet photo
Here i am sitting down with my pen and paper.
on my hand trying to go deeper.
inside all kibera people's heart's like a sniper.
who is ready to hit her target with super.
intelligent mind,everyone is not cheaper.
to let herself down or give up,be ready to prepare yourself as the way you prepare supper.

people problems were cursed to us and to our land.
don't blame anyone or GOD we made this huge sand.
of problems to ourselves from our first parents from garden of Eden so GOD here this crying sound.
of your people a thousand.
who cry every now and then for help pliiiz understand.
and make them to out stand.
from this cry full of problem band.

have you ever listen to people's heart.
if you haven't try and take a part.
to look on the chart.
of all bad and smart.

listen fast to what they feel,want and need.
have ever seen a kid.
crying deep within his heart in deed.
you will feel it and you will try as much as possible to stop the deeper crying of the kid. 

all of that goes similar with kibera people who are  desperate.
let's try and  make them feel like other people do,don't discriminate them or  hate them give them love because love bears all things,believes all things,hopes all things and last love endures all things.


9 Apr 2014

kibera second hand phones

have you ever wondered where your phone disappears when it's stolen in kibera don't go far here
and funny enough is that you can't go there and claim that there is your phone that was stolen or got lost and you have find it.eheh! you will be shocked let me tell you you will be beaten by the people as if you are a thief while you are the own of the phone.their deal is you either buy  the phone again or walk away even if it's your phone it got away. that's how it's in kibera there mott!"kuhaso ni lazima".

4 Apr 2014

cleaness in kibera

I be believe kibera is the cleanliest slum and also at the same time dirtiest .why do i say so you will find cabbage all over the place and people frying food staff a long the road,also a small river of sewage
outside your house.but something shocked me is that and  i have stayed in kibera for about 15 good years and i have never heard of an outbreak of cholera now do you believe me when i say kibera is cleanliest place to be although there alot of liter around.