25 Apr 2014


kibera fire internet photo
the worse thing in kibera is when the fire broke out and house's got fire,now this is the place where you will find all activities and drama is going why?because there those people who are running up and down fetching water to putout the fire
internet photo

,while there others who are watching as if they are watchmen doing nothing instead of there eyes are doing something,some are screaming fire!fire! and they can't help help those are drinkers others are saving there properties and at the same time there are others who are stealing
internet photo

.when i say it is worse it is because alot of properties got burned down,some killed by the fire this becomes complicated to those there properties were burned to ashies because many in kibera are jobless and no family to run to even some fo what has happen develop mental illness and eventually die fire is the worst enemy to kibera.

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