28 Nov 2014

WHY? THIS FEELING(a spoken word)

internet photo
internet photo

People living with epilepsy live in a world full of confusion.
everyday blaiming themselves why they were born in this condition.
a feeling of thinking like it was a corruption
 done during their creation
.but in the end they accept their life situation.
what is killing them is stigmatization.
stigmatization to people its like a promotion.
they spread it in wide area creating attention.
and hatred towards epilepsy people in large population.
let's stop this thing called stigmatization and instead show love and happiness.
towards this people with epilepsy not letting them grew bitterness.
inside their hearts they need kindness.
like any other person can get in the society. I know this months is of mental health awareness and I know Sitawa you are doing a great Job to create the awareness this month keep it up Sitawa.

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