22 Apr 2014


people of kibera do you remember the old days before digital television came,the day's we used to have only one television that is GREAT WALL
which was in black and white in color which made people to unit and came together to watch some programs this was led by inadequate of television which you could find one GREAT WALL in one house in a entire SLUM or plot so neighbor's had to come and enjoy television to there neighbor's who had television  the programs that made this people to come together were the bold and beutiful,
the passion,the promise,wrestling and above all word cup the day's of ronaldo.
in those day's we almost had nyumba kumi initiative
but now the digital television have ruine everything people now don't gather together to watch some programs like it was in old day's,i think this digitalization had led to insecurity because in our country kenya we are forced to have nyumba kumi initiative which we had in old day's which we knew our neighbour's well but now no more but now i think word cup
is around the corner people we again come together and watch the great game because football is the only thing which will gather us together again as before so all fans keep it up.

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